
Friday, September 2, 2011

Can you have a natural birth with an epidural?

I have heard people say they have had a natural birth with an epidural, is that really possible? To some people anything that is not a caesarean is a normal birth. I believe every woman who gave birth is a goddess, whichever way it happened, whether it was her choice or not, therefore I do not mean to disqualify any of them as giving birth!

This is how I look at it.....

Vaginal birth: The baby is born without a caesarean. Meaning the baby could have been born with the aid of a vacuum and with the mother using epidural analgesia.
Normal birth: The baby was born without any complications or assistance in the way of vacuums or forceps, ie. the mother pushed the baby out by herself. A normal birth can include the use of pain relief of any sort.
Natural birth: The baby was born as nature intended, without the use of pharmacological pain relief or assistance. 

And now there also exists a natural casarean, but I won't go into that! Here's a link

Do you have any opinions or thoughts to add?